How to record a webinar

How to record a webinar

Webinars have become increasingly popular as a way to share information, teach courses, and connect with an audience online. Whether you're a small business owner, a teacher, or a professional looking to share your expertise, webinars can be an effective tool for reaching a wide audience. However, not everyone who wants to attend a webinar is able to do so in real-time. Fortunately, most webinars are recorded and made available for later viewing. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of recording a webinar, from choosing the right software to sharing your recording with others.

Choose the right screen recording software

The first step in recording a webinar is to choose the right software for the job. There are many different screen recording software options available, ranging from free to paid, and from basic to more advanced features. Some popular options include:

  • OBS Studio: This is a free, open-source screen recording and streaming software that is popular among gamers, but can also be used to record webinars. It offers a wide range of features, including the ability to record multiple audio sources, capture game footage, and more.
  • Camtasia: This is a paid software that is popular among educators and trainers. It offers a variety of editing and production features, such as the ability to add callouts, effects, and animations to your recording.
  • Bandicam: This is a paid software that is popular among gamers and screen recording enthusiasts. It offers high-quality video recording and can also capture screenshots.
  • Zoom: This is a popular video conferencing platform that also offers the ability to record webinars. If you're already using Zoom to host your webinar, you can easily record it using the built-in recording feature.

Before choosing a software, consider what features are most important to you, how much you're willing to spend, and whether you need a software that is easy to use or offers more advanced features.

Test your equipment and settings

Once you've chosen your screen recording software, it's important to test your equipment and settings to ensure everything is working properly. This includes your microphone, webcam, and any other audio or video sources you plan to use. You'll also want to test your recording settings to make sure the quality is good and the file size is manageable.

To test your equipment and settings, open your chosen screen recording software and start a test recording. Speak into your microphone and test your audio levels, and make sure your video feed is clear and well-lit. Check your settings to ensure you're recording in the right format and quality, and that your file size isn't too large. This will give you a chance to adjust your settings and make any necessary changes before you start recording your webinar.

Choose the right video settings

When you're recording your webinar, make sure you're using the right video settings for your needs. This may include choosing the right resolution, frame rate, and file format. Higher resolution and frame rates can provide better video quality, but may also result in larger file sizes.

Plan your recording strategy

Before you start recording your webinar, it's important to plan your recording strategy. This includes choosing the best time and place to record, as well as deciding how you'll capture your audio and video.

If you're recording your webinar at home, choose a quiet, well-lit room where you won't be interrupted. If you're recording at your office, make sure your colleagues know not to disturb you during the recording. You may also want to consider investing in a good quality microphone and webcam to ensure the best possible audio and video quality.

When it comes to capturing your audio and video, there are a few different options. If you're using a video conferencing platform like Zoom, you can simply use the built-in recording feature. If you're using a separate screen recording software, you'll need to make sure you're capturing both your audio and video feed. Some software may allow you to record your audio separately from your video, which can be useful if you need to edit your recording later. Whatever your approach, make sure you have everything set up and tested before you start recording.

Consider using a second monitor

If you're recording a webinar and need to reference other materials during the presentation, consider using a second monitor. This will allow you to keep your presentation on one screen and your reference materials on another, making it easier to switch back and forth between the two.

Use a script

Even if you're not using a teleprompter, having a script can help you stay organized and on track during your presentation. Write out your talking points in advance, and practice your presentation several times before recording to ensure you're comfortable with the material.

Record in a quiet environment

When you're recording a webinar, it's important to be in a quiet environment where you won't be interrupted by outside noise. This means finding a quiet room, turning off any notifications on your phone or computer, and making sure your microphone is not picking up any background noise.

Use a good quality microphone

The audio quality of your webinar recording is just as important as the video quality. Using a good quality microphone can help ensure that your voice is clear and easy to understand. Consider investing in a USB microphone, which can provide better sound quality than your computer's built-in microphone.

Use a pop filter

If you're using a microphone to record your webinar, consider using a pop filter to reduce any popping sounds or hissing sounds that may occur when you speak. A pop filter is a small mesh screen that is placed in front of your microphone to help reduce these unwanted sounds.

Use a headset

Using a headset can help ensure that your audio quality is clear and easy to understand. Make sure to choose a headset with a high-quality microphone, and position it close to your mouth for the best sound quality.

Invest in a good quality webcam

If you plan to record your webinar using your computer's built-in webcam, consider investing in a higher quality webcam to improve the video quality. Look for a webcam with good resolution, low-light performance, and a wide angle lens to capture more of the room.

Record in high resolution

When recording your webinar, make sure to use the highest resolution possible. This will help ensure that your recording looks sharp and clear, even when viewed on larger screens. Higher resolution also provides more flexibility when editing and exporting your recording.

Start recording

Once you're ready to start recording your webinar, make sure you have enough storage space on your computer or external hard drive to save the recording. This is especially important if you plan to record in high definition (HD), which can take up a lot of space.

When you're ready to start recording, make sure your screen recording software is open and ready to go. If you're using a separate microphone, make sure it's turned on and set up to capture your audio. If you're using a separate webcam, make sure it's positioned correctly and focused on you.

When the webinar begins, start recording. Make sure you're capturing both your audio and video, and that you're not interrupting the webinar by making noise or typing on your keyboard. If you're using a separate microphone, make sure it's positioned correctly and that you're speaking clearly and loudly enough to be heard.

Save and edit your recording

Once the webinar is over, stop the recording and save the file. Depending on your screen recording software, you may be able to edit your recording to trim the beginning and end, add captions or annotations, or adjust the audio or video quality.

If you need to edit your recording, you may want to use a separate video editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro. These programs offer more advanced editing features and can help you create a polished final product.

Consider editing your recording

Editing your webinar recording can help make it more polished and professional-looking. This can include adding captions, trimming the beginning and end of the recording, or adjusting the audio or video quality. Consider using a video editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro to edit your recording.

Use a call-to-action in your recording

If you're using your webinar recording for marketing purposes, consider including a call-to-action at the end of the recording. This can be a link to a landing page, an invitation to sign up for a newsletter, or a discount code for a product or service. A call-to-action can help encourage viewers to take action after watching your recording.

Test your recording before sharing it

Before sharing your webinar recording, make sure to test it to ensure it's working properly. This means watching the entire recording from start to finish, checking the audio and video quality, and making sure the file format is compatible with the platform you plan to share it on.

Take breaks

If you're recording a webinar that is several hours long, make sure to take breaks periodically to give yourself and your audience a chance to rest. Consider adding a countdown timer to your recording to let viewers know when the next break is coming up.

Use a quiet mouse and keyboard

When recording your webinar, make sure to use a quiet mouse and keyboard. Avoid using clicky or noisy devices that can create background noise during your recording.

Make sure your presentation is visually appealing

When recording a webinar, it's important to make sure that your presentation is visually appealing and engaging. Use high-quality images, charts, and graphs to help illustrate your points, and consider adding animations or transitions to make your presentation more dynamic.

Engage with your audience

Even though you're recording your webinar, it's still important to engage with your audience as much as possible. Consider asking your viewers to submit questions via chat or email, and take time to answer these questions during the recording. This can help keep your audience engaged and interested in the content.

Keep it concise

When recording a webinar, it's important to keep it concise and to the point. Try to avoid going off on tangents or spending too much time on any one topic. Keep your presentation focused and engaging to help keep your audience interested.

Use slides and visuals

Using slides and visuals can help illustrate your points and keep your audience engaged. Make sure to use high-quality images and graphics, and keep your slides simple and easy to read.

Practice good posture and body language

When recording a webinar, it's important to practice good posture and body language to help keep your audience engaged. Sit up straight, make eye contact with the camera, and use hand gestures or facial expressions to help illustrate your points.

Provide downloadable resources

To make your webinar recording more valuable to your audience, consider providing downloadable resources that accompany the recording. This can include PDFs of your presentation slides, handouts, or other supplemental materials that can help reinforce the information you presented.

Learn from your recording

After your webinar recording is complete, take time to review it and learn from your experience. What worked well? What could have been improved? Use this feedback to make adjustments for your next webinar recording and continue to improve your skills as a presenter.

Choose the right platform

Before you start recording your webinar, choose the right platform for your needs. There are many different webinar platforms available, each with their own unique features and capabilities. Consider factors such as ease of use, pricing, and audience size when choosing a platform.


Recording a webinar can be a powerful tool for sharing knowledge and information with a wider audience. By following these tips and best practices, you can create a high-quality recording that captures all the important content from your webinar. With a little bit of planning, preparation, and practice, you can create a professional and engaging webinar recording that your audience will love.

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